What after the ZERO in Mathematics and Physics is Important?

Last updated on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

In this video lecture I have focused that in addition to the zero there is one more symbol of “equal to” have significant role in both Physics and Mathematics. One can say that LHS is Physics and in Right Hand Side Mathematics, to explain and to understand the nature.

Here I have shown that how a single line can explain the direction, or change the direction or tell us about the direction. While in second case two parallel lines make confirm that LHS is equal to the RHS and solve many problems not in mathematics but in Physics also. How this property can make equal two different physical objects is subject of interest. It seems philosophical up to some extent but I found it interested that how a linear displacement can behave like a wave. By using a very simple example I have shown it here, you know that when we throw a stone in a pond some water waves seems to travel towards the bank or outward in the form of circle….we know this is the result of vibration of particle at their own position. Water molecules vibrate linearly at their own position but it represents to a wave or is equivalent to a wave. There is relationship between the linear motion and the circular motion. This can be understand very well with this equation where LHS i.e., displacement of a particle represent to a sine wave; Y(x,t)=Ae^i(kx-wt)
Where Y represents the displacement of the particle, A is the amplitude. 

On the basis of this analogy if anybody or objects moves in the space they will also represent a wave. Either it is periodic displacement or not periodic.

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