Calculation of the Susceptibility for FeCl3 Solution by Quinkes Method

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

Introduction Quincke’s Method

In this video, I have discussed the calculation of the magnetic susceptibility by using Quincke’s experiment. What are the important points for the measurement of the magnetic susceptibility in Physics Lab in addition to the manual errors:
These are;

1. the First point is about the magnetic field intensity; generally, in this experiment student measure the magnetic field density which they understand it as magnetic field intensity (B= is magnetic induction, or magnetic field density unit is Gauss in CGS or Tesla in SI System; H is the magnetic field intensity and the unit is Amp per meter in SI system; B and H are related by B=munot H; where mu is not the magnetic permeability of free space). Students measure the magnetic field density by Gauss meter in terms of KGauss and in SI system that is in Tesla.

2. In this experiment for the measurement of the magnetic susceptibility intensity of the external magnetic field is required i.e. H

3. Please refer the formula mention in the video, for more information of the formula you can see the paper  [Timoth H Boyer, American Journal Physics. 56 (8) Aug 1988]. One can get information about the force.

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4. Next point is about the graph, here to make the graph it is not necessary that when you make the graph that all the points lie or exist on the line. You draw a line that passes near about to the maximum points. Then you take the slope from that line. Now use this slope in the calculation and find the measured susceptibility of the FeCl3 solution. It is not necessary that the line always passes through the measured points. Don’t skip any point to include in the graph.

5. After finding the slope put this value in the formula and remember that all the physical quantity should be in the same unit system either in CGS  or SI System.

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