Last updated on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
on the maths research and its community.
Prof. Bhargava is not only a great mathematician but also an accomplished tabla player too, he is the pupil of great guru (Ustad/Teacher) Zakir Hussain Sahab. He is very close to Indian culture and also learn studied Sanskrit from his grandfather, who is a reputed and well known pandit of Sanskrit and Indian History. Prof. Bhargava is an outstanding communicator, he has won several teaching awards, and his lucid and elegant writing has garnered a prize for exposition.
count rings of small rank and to bound the average rank of elliptic curves.
they lead to a new and clearer presentation of that theory”, the Cole Prize citation says. “If Bhargava had stopped with this discovery, his work would already be quite remarkable. But Bhargava has gone on to use his composition laws to solve a new case of one of the fundamental questions of number theory, that of asymptotic enumeration of number fields of given degree, as the discriminant grows. Bhargava used his new composition laws to solve the degree 4 case, brilliantly overcoming very serious analytic problems that had completely blocked all
previous work on the problem.”[2].
- 14 new Gauss-style composition laws.
- Determination of the asymptotic density of discriminates
of quadratic and quintic number fields.
- Proofs of the first known cases of the Cohen-Lenstra-Martinent
heuristics for class groups.
- Proof of the 15 theorem, including an extension of the theorem to other number
sets such as the odd numbers and the prime numbers.
- Proof (with Jonathan Hanke) of the 290 theorem.
- A novel generalization of the factorial function, resolving a
decades-old conjecture by George Polya.
- Proof (with Arul Shankar) that the average rank of all elliptic curves over Q
(when ordered by height) is bounded.
How Bhargava follow and extend the work of work of Brahmagupta in
628 C.E. and Carl
Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) ? Refrences:
Research Positions [4]
Professor, Princeton University, July 2003–.
curves. Together with his student, Arul Shankar, he determines the average order of the Selmer group Sel(E, m)for an elliptic curve Eover Q, when m= 2,3,4,5 [5].
case of higher degree hyperelliptic curves.[6]
Link of his research papers: