DR. POONAM TANDON, PROFESSOR, Physics Department, University of Lucknow

Last updated on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

DR. POONAM TANDON, PROFESSOR (Experimental Solid State Physics) presently working in the  Physics Department, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (UP). Her, the research area of interest are; chemical physics, quantum chemistry, vibrational spectroscopy, nanomaterials, material science, experimental solid-state physics, polymorphism in active pharmaceutical ingredients, biodegradable polymers, conducting polymers and biopolymers. 
Prof. Tandon published more than 155 research papers in reputed National and International Journals.  She has published more than 83 papers in journals having impact factor more than three, during the last five years. Approximately 900 citations and H index-14 in her account. She has presented more than 100 papers at National / International conferences in India as well as in USA, Germany, France, Netherlands, Hungary, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, Italy, Nepal and England.
The most important part of Prof. Poonam Tandon’s life is her personal attention to the carrier guidance and motivation for students. She has guided and supervised more than 25 research students and almost all got exposure and achieved the award at the National and International platform.
Details regarding the placement of research students:
Invited talk in National/International conferences:
Invited lectures at different institutions:
International collaborations:
National collaboration:
Publications-Book & Edited work:
List of paper published in high impact factor journals : (from Impact factor 3 onwards)


Dr. Navnit Mishra- Associate Professor, BND College, Kanpur
Dr. Mahendra Singh-Associate Professor, BND College Kanpur
Dr. Anuj Kumar– Associate Professor, JP University, Guna
Dr. Deepti Kapoor – Director, Institute of Computer Science, Amity University
Dr. Anuj Shukla-      Scientist, DRDO, Jodhpur
Dr. Anamika Sharma-Lecturer, Melaka International School, Malaysia
Dr. Vikas Porwal –   Scientist, DRDO, Dehradun
Ms. Mridula Singh-  Scientist, ONGC, New Delhi
Dr. Ruchi Agarwal-  Assistant Vice-President, Sanshadow Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Achievements by the research students of Prof. Poonam Tandon’s group
Dr. Archana Singh:Best poster award at International Conference on Nanoscience &Nanotechnology

Dr. Abhishek Mishra:Presented paper at international conference in Austria  (DST travel support) Dr. Soni Mishra:Presented paper at international conference in Austalia (DST travel support)

Dr. Anubha Srivastava :Presented paper at international conference in Brazil
Dr. Deepika Chaturvedi:  Presented paper at international conference in France (DST travel support)
Dr. Vineet Gupta:Presented paper at international conference in USA  (DST travel support)
Dr. Navnit Mishra: Postdoctoral fellowship to work in France for two years under
Indo-French project
Dr. Vineet Gupta: Visited France twice as JRF to work in Indo-French Project  
Dr. Vineet Gupta: Postdoctoral Fellowship for one year in France
Dr. Navnit Mishra:Visited Russia for two weeks under the Indo-Russian Project
Dr. Anubha Srivastava:Visited Brazil for one month under Indo-Brazil project
Dr. Abhishek Mishra: DST-Fast track project
Dr. Abhishek Mishra: Postdoctoral Fellow, University College London
Dr. Soni Mishra: Postdoctoral Fellow, University College London
Dr. Deepika Chaturvedi:Postdoctoral Fellow, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Dr. Anubha Mishra:          CSIR – Research Associateship
Dr. Vineet Gupta:             DS Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Parag Agrawal:           DS Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow
Prof. Poonam Tandon has organized many scientific events, some major activities are listed here:
Organizing Secretary, International Symposium on Advances in Biological & Materials
Sciences (15 July, 2014).
Organizing Secretary, International Seminar on Advances in Bio- and  Nano- Materials (18 November, 2013).
Nodal Person, INSPIRE Summer Science Workshop (21-25 May, 2010).
Incharge, Computer Centre, Lucknow University (April 2010- 19th August,2011).
Executive Secretary-cum-Treasurer, POLYCHAR 16- World Forum on Advanced Materials held at University of Lucknow (17-21 February, 2008). About 300 delegates including 120
from abroad (35 countries) participated.
Convenor, 17th  Annual General Meeting of the Materials Research Society of India & Theme Symposium on “Bio, Biomedical & NaturalMaterials” held at University of Lucknow (13-15 February,2006). About 300 delegates from India and abroad participated.
Founder Secretary, MRSI-Lucknow Chapter.
Coordinator, Materials Science & Nanotechnology Teaching Programme, University of
Initiated  &  Organised  Lecture  Series  on  Materials  Science/ Nanotechnology at University of
(Multimedia Publication), Public Lectures of Prof. C.N.R.Rao, Dr. R. A.
Mashelkar & Prof. M. Vijayn, organized on the eve of 85th Anniversary of
University of Lucknow. 
[1]  12th European Symposium on Polymer Spectroscopy, Lyon, France, 8-10 July (1996)
[2]  International  Conference  on   Chemical  and   Biological   Thermodynamics, Amritsar, India,   5-8January (1997) 
[3]Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVI, Budapest, Hungary August 30 to September 3 (2009)
[4] International  Conference  “POLYCHAR  17   –   World  Forum   on   Advanced Materials”, Rouen, France, 21-24 April (2009)
[5]  International Conference  “POLYCHAR   19   –   World  Forum   on   Advanced Materials”, Kathmandu, Nepal, 20-24 March (2011)
[6]  Colloquium  Spectroscopicum  Internationale  XXXVII”  held  at  Buzios,  Brazil, August 28 to September 2 (2011)
[7]  International Congress on Advances in Human Healthcare Systems, New Delhi, 20-23 February (2012) 
[8]  International   Conference  on   Chemistry   and  Materials:   Prospects   and Perspectives Lucknow , 14-16 December(2012)
[9]  23rd International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Bangalore, 12-17  August (2012)
[10] 4th International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy, Mavelikara, Kerala, 6-9 August (2013)
[11] The Fourth Asia Spectroscopy Conference-2013”, Nanyang University, Singapore, 15-18 December (2013)  
[12] International Conference “POLYCHAR 22 – World Forum on Advanced  Materials”, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 7-11 April (2014)
[13] International Symposium on Advanced Polymeric Materials, Kualalumpur, Malaysia,13-16 May (2014)
[14] 5th International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy,Trivadrum,
Kerala, 8-12 July (2014)
[1]  National Symposium on Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, BHU, Varanasi,14-15 March (2004) 
[2]  National  Seminar   on   Advances  in   Material   Research,   DDU   Gorakhpur University, 17-19  March (2005)
[3] National Seminar on “New Developments in Biodegradable Polymers”, Central Institute
of Plastics Engineering & Technology, Lucknow (Sept. 12, 2006).  
[4] 17th  Annual General Meeting of the Materials Research Society of India & Theme symposium on “Bio, Biomedical & Natural Materials”, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, 13-15 February (2006)
[5] Emerging  Trends  in  Polymer  Science &  Technology  (ETPST-2006), Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 8-9 September (2006) 
[6] Advancements & Futuristic Trends in Material Science’ (AFTMS 2011), Bareilly, 26-27 March (2011) 
 [7]National Seminar on Spectroscopy, Kanpur, 19 December (2012)
 [1]   Tribhuvan University, Nepal (March 23, 2010)
 [2]   Kyoto University, Japan (December 18, 2009)
 [3]   Kanazawa University, Japan (December 22,2009)
 [4]   Kwansei-Gakuin University, Japan (December 25, 2009)
 [5]   Bochum University, Germany (September, 2009)
 [6]   International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (March 2008)
 [7]   University of Dormund, Germany (June, 2006)
 [8]   Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Dortmund, Germany (July 2005)
 [9]   University of Freiburg, Germany (2003) 
 [10] University of Padova, Italy (July 2002)
 [11] Jena University, Germany (December, 1999) 
 [12] Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Gottingen, Germany (November 1999)
 [1]   Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
 [2]   Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil
[3]   A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), Singapore
 [4]   Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
 [5]   University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
 [6]   University of Marburg, Germany
 [7]   University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
 [8]  Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia 
 [9]   Kanazawa University, Japan
 [10] Barcelona University, Spain

 [1]   National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali[2]   Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow

 [3]   Assam University, Silchar
 [4]   Banaras Hindu University
 [5]   Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
 [6]   Defense Research Laboratory, Jodhpur
Book by V.P. Gupta & Poonam Tandon ‘Essentials of Group Theory Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy’ ISBN: 81-7515-453-5; Publisher: Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2004)
Edited, POLYCHAR 16 Special Issue, Polymer Science & Engineering, ISSN: 1548-2634; Publisher: Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company, Vol. 49, Issue 5 (2009) Impact Factor 1.441
Edited, POLYCHAR 16 Special Issue, Pure & Applied Chemistry, ISSN; 1365-3075; Publisher: International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC),Vol. 81, Issue 3 (2009) Impact Factor 3.386
Archana Singh, Satyendra Singh, B.D. Joshi, Anuj Shukla, B.C. Yadav and Poonam   Tandon, Synthesis,
characterization, magnetic properties and gas sensing applications of ZnxCu1xFe2O4  (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) nanocomposites. ISSN: 13698001; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (2014) Impact Factor 1.761 (Accepted)
Satyendra Singh, Archana Singh, Meher Wan, R.R. Yadav, Poonam Tandon, S.S.A. Rasool and B.C. Yadav , Fabrication of selfassembled hierarchical flowerlike zinc stannate thin film and its application as liquefied petroleum gas sensor. ISSN: 09254005; Sensors and Actuators B (2014) Impact Factor 3.840 (Accepted)
Satyendra  Singh,  Vineet  Gupta,  Bal  Chandra  Yadav,  Poonam  Tandon,  A.K. Singh: Structural  analysis  of  nanostructured  iron  antimonate  by  experimental and quantum chemical simulation and its LPG sensing. ISSN: 09254005; Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 195, 373381 (2014Impact Factor 3.840.
Shivani, Amresh Singh, Alka Misra, Poonam Tandon: Mechanism of reaction pathway for the formation of serine in interstellar medium: A quantum chemical approach. ISSN: 1432-0746; Astronomy & Astrophysics, 463, A55A63 (2014)
Impact Factor 5.084 
Satyendra Singh, Archana Singh,  Bal  Chandra  Yadav,  Poonam  Tandon,  Anuj  Shukla, Vitaly A. Shershnev, Gulzhian I. Dzhardimalieva, Nina D. Golubeva, Anatolii D. Pomogailo: Synthesis, characterization and liquefied
petroleum gas sensing of cobalt acetylenedicarboxylate and its polymer. ISSN: 09254005; Sensors and Actuators B , 192,503– 511 (2014) Impact Factor 3.840
Deepika  Chaturvedi,  Soni  Mishra,  Poonam Tandon,  Jo A.  PortillaArias,  Sebastián MuñozGuerra: Study of molecular structure and vibrational spectra of poly (β,lmalic acid) [PMLA] using DFT approach. ISSN: 00323861; Polymer, 53, 2681–2690 (2012) Impact Factor 3.766
Satyendra Singh, Bal Chandra Yadav, Poonam Tandon, Mridula Singh, Anuj Shukla, Gulzhian I. Dzhardimalieva, Svetlana I. Pomogailo, Nina D. Golubeva, Anatolii D. Pomogailo: Polymerassisted synthesis
of metallopolymer nanocomposites and their applications in liquefied petroleum gas sensing at room temperature.
ISSN: 09254005; Sensors and Actuators B, 166, 281291 (2012) Impact Factor 3.840
Satyendra Singha, Mridula Singha, Bal Chandra Yadava, Poonam Tandona, Svetlana I.Pomogailob, Gulzhian I. Dzhardimalievab, Anatolii D. Pomogailob: Experimental investigations on liquefied petroleum gas sensing of Cd(NO3)2·(AAm)4·2H2O and CdS/polyacrylamide synthesized via frontal
polymerization. ISSN: 09254005; Sensors and Actuators B, 160, 826834 (2011) Impact Factor 3.840
VP Gupta, Poonam Tandon, Poonam Rawat, RN Singh, Amresh Singh: Quantum chemical study
of a new reaction pathway for the adenine formation in the interstellar space. ISSN:14320746; Astronomy and Astrophysics, 528, A129 (16) (2011) Impact Factor 5.084
Deepika  Chaturvedi,  Soni  Mishra Poonam Tandon,  Jo A.  PortillaArias,
 Sebastián MuñozGuerra: Thermal degradation and theoretical interpretation of vibrational spectra of poly (β, lmalic acid). ISSN: 00323861; Polymer, 52, 31183126 (2011) Impact Factor 3.766
Satyendra Singh, Mridula Singh, BC Yadav, Poonam Tandon, Svetlana I Pomogailo, Gulzhian  I  Dzhardimalieva,  Anatolii  D  Pomogailo:  Experimental  investigations  on liquefied petroleum gas sensing of Cd (NO3)2 textperiodcentered(AAm)4 textperiodcentered 2H2O and CdS/polyacrylamide synthesized via frontal polymerization. ISSN: 09254005; Sensors
and Actuators B, 160, 826834 (2011) Impact Factor 3.840
Sapna Pathak, Anuj Kumar, Poonam Tandon, Baris Kiskan, Banu Koz, Yusuf Yagci: Synthesis, characterization and theoretical interpretation of vibrational spectra of poly(2– methylbut-2-enyl thiophene3-carboxylate). ISSN: 00143057; European Polymer Journal,981, 19 (2010) Impact Factor 3.242
Abhishek Kumar Mishra, Poonam Tandon: A comparative ab initio and DFT study of polyaniline leucoemeraldine base and its oligomers. ISSN: 15205207; The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 1462914639 (2009) Impact Factor 3.377 
Abhishek Kumar Mishra, Poonam Tandon: DFT study and heat capacity of polyaniline pernigraniline base. ISSN: 15205207; The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 9702-9707 (2009) Impact Factor 3.377
Vineet Gupta, Konstantin S. Smirnov, Daniel Bougeard, Poonam Tandon: Electrooptical parameters for computation of nonresonance Raman scattering intensities of peptides. ISSN: 15499626; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation , 5, 13691379 (2009) Impact Factor 5.310


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