Engineering Physics by Hitendra Malik and A K Singh

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

For the Engineering Physics course, I found this book offers good exposure to optics, electromagnetism, the theory of relativity, nuclear physics, solid-state physics, quantum physics, magnetic properties of solids, superconductivity, X-rays, and Nanophysics. It covers all aspects from the subject points of view and the best point is there is no printing or other physical errors in the book in the latest issue. This Book covers solved numerical problems with enough details and steps. The objective questions covered nicely but without answers, keys make some problems for students to justify and confirm the exact answer. At the end of the chapter list of answer keys of objective questions if provided by the author/publisher it can fulfill the purpose of a reader.

For the Engineering Physics Course, I personally recommend the book and congratulate the authors/publisher for such a nice book and their kind efforts to bring it in this form.

To buy it from AMAZON you can click the link given here:

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