Special Issue on Sesquicentennial of Marie Curie

Last updated on Saturday, August 24th, 2019

Special Issue

Guest Editor of special issue: Dr. Mamta Aggarwal, Department of Physics, Mumbai University, Kalina Campus, Mumbai 400 098. mamta.a4@gmail.com

 Respected Professor, Greetings !!

 On the 150th  birth anniversary of Marie Curie (7th  November, 1967) Chitkara University Publications have planned to dedicate upcoming issue, a special issue of the Physics Journal i.e. in Feb 2018 for the significant contribution of  women researchers in the field of Nuclear Physics.

Chitkara University is a leading non-profit university of India and it has been established with the clear mission to pursue excellence in all fields of research, education, and to adhere to the highest standards of academic rigor in all its work. Chitkara University has been founded by and is run by hardcore academicians.I delightfully invite you to submit your Research Paper for the aforementioned journal. Following are the details of the Chitkara University Physics Journal:

About The Journal:

Total published Volume & Issues: 5 & 9

Frequency: Two

ISSN (p): 2321-8649

ISSN (e): 2321-9289

Website: http://jnp.chitkara.edu.in

Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed bi-annual journal published by Chitkara Educational Trust on new advancements in the areas of physics research. The aim of this innovative Journal is to create and develop a platform for researchers globally, giving to scientific strength, promotion and sharing of latest theoretical and experimental developments in the fields of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences and Radiation. It publishes papers that meet the needs and intellectual interests of researchers working in physical sciences and closely related fields. It is published twice a year (August and February).

Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications contains research articles reporting experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of nuclear physics, including the nuclear forces and few-body systems, nucleon-nucleon interaction, nuclear structure, nuclear reactions, rare decays and fundamental symmetries; hadronic physics, heavy-ion physics; hot and dense matter, neutrino physics, nuclear physics of stars and stellar explosions; nucleosynthesis; nuclear equation of state; astrophysical neutrino physics; cosmic rays; dark matter.

Nuclear materials, interaction of plasmas, ion beams, electron beams, neutrons and electromagnetic radiation with materials, including defects, microstructural changes, phase changes and macroscopic properties, basic science studies of radiation effects on livings in the area of physics and environmental sciences, Materials Science topics not addressing nuclear and radiation applications are out of scope for the Journal. All topics of Radiation Research & Applications without relevance to physics do not necessarily fall within the scope.

The special issue of Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications will be devoted to the recent trends and developments in the experimental and theoretical nuclear physics but not limited in some exceptional cases. It will give ample opportunities to submit various phenomena of nuclear physics and will focus primarily on the following topics:

  • Nuclear structure at the drip lines and proton radioactivity
  • Heavy – ion induced fusion-fission reactions and quasi-fission
  • Isospin effects and nuclear symmetry energy in the nuclear reactions
  • Collective flow, multifragmentation and sub threshold particle production
  • Super-deformation and high-spin states
  • Clustering in nuclei
  • Synthesis of superheavy elements and their decays
  • Nuclear astrophysics, neutron stars and nuclear matter equation of state
  • Accelerator facilities, nuclear detector and radiation

Who should submit the Manuscript?

Only Women Research Scholars, Faculty and Scientists engaged in the field of Nuclear Physics (Experimental & Theoretical) would submit the article in this special issue.

Paper Submission Link:

One can submit the manuscript through journal website link, which is given below;


Sample paper and other Information you can find from the journal website.



Submission Period: October 02, 2017 to December 18, 2017

First Review Notification: After 2-3 weeks of paper submission

Revision submission: One week

Second Review Notification: one-two weeks

Acceptance notification: One week

Special Issue release ceremony: Feb 18, 2018

It is a matter of great prestige for us that Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications has been indexed in the following world renowned journal database:


Scholar Article Impact Factor Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Stanford University Libraries Sherpa
DRJI Info Base Index Factor
Research BIB InnoSpace
Academic Keys Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
Beardslee Library Journals Worldcat
Journal Seek Library Learning Resources Division
New Jour, Lauinger Library Journal at Georgetown University WRLC Catalog
Scientific Indexing Service trueserials.com
Cross Ref (DOI) Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
CiteFactor OskiCat (Berkeley catalog)
SJIF Ulrich
Mendeley Scilit
Google Scholar


Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications publishes articles on theoretical and experimental domains with all the branches of physics (Astrophysics, Accelerator Physics, Material Sciences, Nuclear Physics and Radiation Physics). Please visit http://jnp.chitkara.edu.in/ to submit your Research Paper for the upcoming issue of this journal.

The journal has a distinguished worldwide reputed Advisory and Editorial Board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards.

It will be a matter of great prestige for us to have your esteemed Research Paper(s) in Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications.

We have also got an opportunity to publish the proceedings of any of the workshop or the conferences as we have already published the conference proceeding of “International Symposium on Radiation Physics” organized by Edificio Carolino of the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Pue., México for three years; 2016, 2017, 2018 as special issue and the proceedings of “Winter school on Accelerator, Nuclear and Particle Physics” organized by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in our journal. 

It would be wonderful for us to be associated with you.

Looking forward to a favorable response at your end.

Dr Sushil Kumar
Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Applications

[J. Nucl. Phy. Mat. Rad. A]

Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh-174103, India

Landline: +91-1795-661033, +91-172-2741000

E-mail: editor.jnp@chitkara.edu.in

Website: www.jnp.chitkara.edu.in

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jnp.chitkara.edu.in


NOTE: We welcome Women Professors/Scientists from India and abroad to strengthen our editorial team in the above said field of Physics. 


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