Last updated on Sunday, November 24th, 2019
In this table, basic physical quantities that are used in magnetic materials are included. The symbol and conversion from one magnetic unit to the other.
This conversion will be helpful in numerical problems.
Quantity | Symbol | SI Unit | CGS emu Unit | Conversion | Remarks |
Magnetic Induction or Magnetic field density | B | Tesla (Wb/m2) | Gauss | 1 Wb/m2=104 Gauss | |
Magnetic field intensity | H | Amp-turn/m | Oersted | 1 Amp-turn/m=4π × 10-7H/m= 1 emu | |
Magnetization | M | Amp-turn/m | Maxwell/cm2 | 1 Amp-turn/m=10-3 Max/cm2 | |
Permeability of a vacuum | Henry/m | emu | 4π×10-7 H/m=1 emu | ||
Relative permeability | unitless | unitless | |||
Magnetic Susceptibility | χ | Unitless | Unitless | χ=4π (χ in CGS) | |
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