Mindset For PhD Degree an Academic Research in Indian Perspective: A Misconception

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

The regular research and passion for it do not come through regular PhD degree by academic institutions. If research is for job or promotion it spoils the research ethics and serious harm to the research integrity. In this article, I have focused on some points that will be useful for beginners, in the research carriers.

Academic & Industrial PhD Degree Perspective

A scholar who does research in academics or industry-oriented areas, means will contribute significantly to society. It may be pure or applied in both cases it will upgrade the present status of the original physical concept. Here, both theoretical and experimental research have equal opportunities and importance. The theory guides the experiments while the experiment confirms the theoretical models and ultimately various applications in terms of the products.

In most of the cases, it has been observed that people couldn’t keep continuing the research work after getting Ph. D. degree. This happens mostly with academic researchers compare to the industry-oriented researchers. Inconsistency in academic research reflects the poor thesis planning work either decided by the researcher or supervisor.

In general, students just keep interested in a particular area and search for the supervisor of the same domain in academics. Students rarely define the problems for PhD degree work mostly supervisors handover their group’s successive problems to them. Irrespective to judge the sustainability of carried work by the students.

Scholars learn some tools to handle the problem from superiors in a group during the period. These tools may be computer programming/languages, research analysis, graphics, and framing the contents of calculation or experimental observations. Sometimes scholars remain unaware of the origin of the problem after getting the highest degree too.


on the other hand, applied industrial research is more organized in terms of productivity. One reason may be hands-on practices and a clear vision of the problems. If the output is application-oriented then one scholar who whether defines or not the problems for the next 3-4 yrs can be more creative. Possibly can create a new business from that degree or can support the existed industry.

PhD Degree for Job/Promotion or Research?

To get a promotion or some incentives one gets motivated to take the PhD degree in both the sections academic as well as in industry. In such cases, the efforts, planning, origin, specific domain, or interests remain one side of the degree’s outcomes. Such degrees and degree holders perspective about research planning, problem defining for the next generation will be considered very low.

A misconception generated in people’s mind about the PhD degree, that it’s for JOB and this mindset define only subject interest in scholars’ mind, no problems. What is the reason that students are not trained to understand the specific problems of any subject? Why the only supervisor decide the problems and define the solutions? In many cases knows the results, then why the revision of problems?

There are some people who just enhance the qualification to get PhD degree and never use information in practices. This kind of mindset in academics and industrial research is an alarming situation. Not only in academic jobs but industrial jobs and growths too.

Why do You Want PhD Degree: Understand it First

Really, are you interested, have your search, and defined the problems? These problems are of a specific domain or interdisciplinary type? Have you tried to find solutions to any problem or sense of solutions? Does the available literature through the open sources is not sufficient for your problems?

The problems which you defined is related to pure research or have any applications. In the case of applications e.g. software or product have you framed any outline of that? If yes!! is the answer to these questions then you need a supervisor who can understand your problems and suggested solutions.

In this case, you can carry your research for the benefit of society in terms of good products.


Research Outcome should be patentable?

Give proper time to define your problems, identify their potential. If possible and problems are original, you can help of patent to protect your products on time. See how this product can be useful for a large number of people so you can use it commercially.

If you don’t define problems your self you miss the creativity of your mind. But one important checkpoint is the selection of the right supervisor and institute.


So, in conclusion, first, see your interest identify the problems. First, try your self with the help of open access journals (https://doaj.org) survey the literature try to find solutions. The problem should be application-oriented so people can use that. The PhD degree is not for job/promotion or taking any type of benefits from anyone. This is your valuable lifetime, invest in it with a proper plan. Don’t follow the rat race or just only the number of publications, stop misconceptions.

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