Postdoc Position in Nuclear Theory University of Zagreb

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

University of Zagreb Research position

The Faculty of the Science University of Zagreb invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position within the Nuclear Theory Group at the Department of Physics. The position would begin in March 2018, and it will be embedded within a newly established Center of Excellence for the Theory of Quantum and Complex Systems and Lie Algebra Representation (QuantiXLie).

The Nuclear Theory Group has a broad-ranging program in and nuclear astrophysics based on relativistic nuclear energy density functional. Candidates are expected to have experience in nuclear theory and/or nuclear astrophysics. It is expected that the focus of research will be on developments of density functional theory in relation to astrophysically relevant properties and processes involving exotic nuclei, r-process nucleosynthesis, and/or neutron star properties.

To formally apply for a postdoc position in nuclear theory in case of any inquiries, applicants should contact Prof. Nils Paar ( Applicants should submit before 22.12.2017 a curriculum vitae, short statement or research interests, PhD certificate, and citizenship certificate.

Contact for Two-year postdoc position

Prof. Dr. Sc. Nils Paar
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science
University of Zagreb


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