Postdoctoral Position in Nuclear Physics

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

Postdoctoral Position at TU Darmstadt

PUMA: probing the density tail of radioactive isotopes with an-protons Development of an ion and antiproton trap

A two-year appointment is open for a postdoctoral candidate in the group of Dr. Alexandre Obertelli at the Institute of Nuclear Physics (IKP) of TU Darmstadt, Germany. The position can be filled as soon as possible.

Project description:

PUMA is a starting project (01/2018) funded by the European Research Council with the objective of probing the nuclear density tail of short-lived nuclei by the use of trapped antiprotons. The project will be held at CERN eventually. The first part of PUMA consists of designing a penning trap, its cryostat, a solenoid, and the corresponding detection system.

The opened position focuses on trap development: design, electrostatic simulations, thermal and mechanical studies. The work will be performed in close collaboration with European and Japanese institutes.

Candidate profile:

Only candidates holding a Ph.D. degree in physics or those very close to completion of their thesis may apply. The ideal candidate has an excellent academic track record, expertise in hardware development, knowledge of C++ and speaks English fluently. Experience with traps, electrostatic simulations would be an important asset.

The salary will be according to the tariff contract of the TU Darmstadt (TV-TUD). TU Darmstadt is an equal opportunity employer and we especially encourage applications from outstanding women. Disabled people with a degree of disability of at least 50% will be preferred if equally qualified.

Interested candidates should send a letter of motivation, cv and two contacts for reference to Applications received by February 1st, 2018 will receive full consideration. Later applications will be considered if the position is not filled. The call will remain open until the position is filled.



Dr. Alexandre Obertelli
Institut für Kernphysik, Fachbereich 05 Physik
Schlossgartenstr. 9, 64289 Darmstadt




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