apni Physics| Win Prize| Watch Quantum Mechanics Video

Last updated on Saturday, August 24th, 2019

Quantum Mechanics Video Playlist

In this embedded video playlist you can find out some basic video lectures of quantum mechanics mainly uses in Engineering Physics and for B.Sc. physics course.  There are 19 videos which you can watch or download according to your comforts.

If you found any difficulty or mistakes please bring in my notice so I can correct or explain timely. You can type your message below in comment box or can type in the concern video comment box if open in youtube.

Win Prize

I will dispatch a good book related to the subject or self-help, technology, motivational, general at your address or maybe another useful gift if I observe the mistakes you pointed out from subject points of view are accurate. The number of mistakes should be three at least and you have also convenience to me about the mistakes.

You can win this gift only once for only one time mistakes in any video. For the second specific problem related to the subject if you point out mistakes you will again get a gift from my side. I will prefer to send a gift via Amazon bookseller after communicating with you through this page only.

The language, writing mistake, printing mistake or pronunciation or such other problems are not part of this activity but you can tell me about such things. So I can improve for the best.

You can also suggest me the topics along with the points where you face the problem so when I prepare the video lectures I can include the steps for an explanation, in brief. Your suggestions should only be specified on this page through comment box.

If I prepare five videos on your suggested topics means you convenience me the need of topics. then also you fulfill the opportunity to get the gift conditions.

Also, in addition to the above two possibilities, I offer one more opportunity, if suppose you provide me a topic for video and within one month its views cross the 1000 views then also you will be eligible to get the gift provided you keep remember the dates and our conversation on this page through comment box.

For any clarification, you can ask me the concerned point without any hesitation. You have to visit all these videos from you tube channel. My channel id is “sushilk17able”. You can watch and search the category of quantum mechanics.

Topics of videos which are listed here and part of this activity are given below:

  1. The concept of Wave Packet, Phase & Group Velocity for de Broglie Waves
  2. Particle in a one Dimensional Box: an application of the Schrodinger equation
  3. Space Quantization and Atomic Dipole Moment
  4. Schrodinger’s Time-Independent and Time-Dependent Wave Equations
  5. de Broglie Waves Matter Waves and Wavelength
  6. Particle in a One Dimensional Box
  7. Derivation of Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation in Spherical Coordinates-Hydrogen Atom
  8. How to find Normalization Constant of a Wave Function & Physical Meaning
  9. De Broglie equation solution and clear conceptual explanation
  10. does electron exist inside the atomic nucleus?
  11. Schrodinger Equation for Spherical Symmetric Potential Energy
  12. Symmetric and Antisymmetric Eigenfunctions: Degenerate states
  13. The Pauli’s Exclusion Principle/Graduate Quantum Physics Online
  14. Exchange Forces & The Helium Atom
  15. Energy difference calculation between two states
  16. The Symmetry Character of Various Particles

Disclaimer: The final decision will be of the author of this page, and no claim will be entertained without the consent of both the party.


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