Online Word is the Route of a Research Manuscript for the Search Engines

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

Research article writing with proper research analysis is not only the key success of any research scholar. For its keywords research is equally important. For it, researchers have to check online word volume and its value. I know this is not possible for the traditional researchers but for the help, I am providing some tools and ideas that will be useful for you.

Effective Online Word in Research Paper

Recently I was reading a research article in which “Defects” was the keyword. Mostly researcher doesn’t know keywords are eyes of the papers’ body. They don’t know a computer machine can’t differentiate among defects in a product, crystal, or used it for some formation in the nano field. It obviously will divert the Search Engines (SE) in general terms and sense of defects, not in the nano field research contents.

My friends those who are related to the material science field especially working in nanoscience and/or nanotechnology, please don’t use the “defects” word as a keyword. Formation of defects, defects in the crystal can help online word you more for the wide circulation of your manuscript.

Selection Strategy of online word

I am sharing with you the google search results (not based on the keyword planner), it’s a simple search for the online word in the google search box. The first search of the keywordformation of defects” was about 2,22,00,000 in results. The second possibility of the keyword “defects in crystals” was about 2,16,00,000 results. In both the cases search engine picks the scholarly article while in the third case when “Defects” online word was the keyword then about 30,90,00,000 results were observed and all were related to general cases.

From this exercise, I hope you may have got an idea. Also, one more conclusion “formation of defects” is the more popular phrase in the said research field as best online word.  A single word of the keyword may provide a lot of combinations as in this case “defects”. While long-tail keywords research[ Problem Writing a Piece of Quality Research Paper Introduction] like phrases are more effective to guide and define the google search results accurately.

I have seen long-tail keywords in a research article like “network-based nanoelectronic device” the search results were about 3,89,000 in number while suggested words combination for the long tail keyword “nanoelectronic materials and devices” were about 17,80,000 results. In both cases, the search engine provides relevant and specific results. My suggestion will be here the second result.


The keywords should be used in the title properly first of all.  You can suggest 3-5 keywords in an article to the publisher for a reader in your specific research domain. The frequency of keywords also matter and it should be no more than four to five for anyone in 200-250 words abstract. While all the keywords should be used in the title and abstract effectively not only for the science and reader also for the search engines.

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