Impact Factor of Physics Journal in India

Last updated on Sunday, October 11th, 2020

The researchers define the objectives of the research and prepare a manuscript that includes successive research references and results of the present work. Physics Journal in India missing a strategic plan for quality. You know, journals publish these articles to disseminate the research work with the other intellectuals to make aware of the current progress in the specific research area. 

Physics Journal in India

Dear Friends before I start to put my points about Physics Journal in India here and share information with you I would like to tell how I catch this point and how one can change the present perspective of Indian Physics Journals. One can generalize the subjects but being a part of physics and research journal publications I have focused first of all on the Physics Journal in India.

I am sure that the information will be shared further, so all concern understands the role and contribute significantly to our people hard work and dedication. Who really involved transparently to uplift the reputation of Indian Physics Journals.  In terms of not only share the latest information with scientific society but also to recognize the original work.

It is also a matter of reputation of Indian Physics Journals’ Publication Policy and authenticity of Publication ethics at the global platform. For more than six decades we are looking at the countries which have good publishers and are publishing the Journals of repute. We have subscribed to them after contributing significantly. (Physics Journal in India)

Indian Scholars Contributions to Physics Journal in India

Also, paid heavily for subscription to the Journals and always feel proud when publishing the papers in such journals.  Share to that paper on social media and brings indirectly a competition but no one celebrates when published papers in our own Journals like Pramana.

My friends, you know that we are at 9th  position in the number of publications in country ranking, according to SJR data [1]. One should realize the POWER the Significance of Indian Scholars research contributions. But the question is who takes the benefits of it and does we are really aware of the facts. After such quality production of documents we don’t have good journals do you know the REASONS???

Scimagojr database

According to the Scimagojr latest data, India is at 9th position on the global scale of country ranking and produced 13,02,605 documents from 1996 to 2016. In 2016 the country ranking was 5th and published documents were 13,8,986 this number increased to 3,894 in a year with the same ranking i.e. 5th in 2015 [1]. This number is not small and enough to change the status of Indian origin based Journals [Physics Journal in India], especially from the Indian Academy of Science.

You will be surprised to see that the Scimagojr database provides overall 14 research journals /Books/Proceedings that are listed and have SJR values from 1.170 to 0.103. While H-index of the Pramana –Journal of Physics (Physics Journal in India) is 38 which is the maximum in all. It’s a great pride for us that the journal is publishing since 1973 and the rethinking point of view is that citation per document is less than 0.6 on average since 1999. It means 50% of papers are not cited. If we saw only for two years the citation per document it suddenly decreases especially in the last years (2015-16) [2].

Physics Journal in India Pramana –Journal of Physics

For the Pramana Journal, In the year 2005, the total number of citations was 173  and uncited documents were 662 while in 2016 it was 175 and 403 respectively [3]. It is surprising to me that why didn’t the editorial team observed these facts and take the appropriate action.

We have seen through this data that the only reputable Physics Journal in India is facing the problem of citations.  In spite to the Indian scientists are publishing good quality and significant research works in the field of Physics. The impact factor of the year 2016 is 0.520 [4], which is clearly indicated from the graph of citation per documents [3].

As I have discussed in the above paragraph. From this analysis, I am sure that you have also caught the points on why the impact factor of our journals is less and that reflects the quality publication automatically.

Impact factor calculations

It is also important, you know about the impact factor calculations so the point I am raising here you get exactly. If suppose I have to determine the year 2016 impact factor of a journal. Then I have to see the total number of paper citation in 2016 of those papers which published in the last two years i.e. 2014-15 in that particular journal.

Obvious total number of the paper published in the same years 2014–15. Here, I have explained it by taking a simple example;

Journal Impact factor for 2016 =0.289

[for any journal, say]
A= Total cites in 2016=19 [just for information]
B=2016 cites to articles published in 2014-2015= 11
C= no of articles published in 2014-2015=38
So Impact Factor for 2016= D=B/C=11/38=0.289

So, in this way you have seen how paper citation plays an important role in the impact factor for any journal. Indian Research Scholars are contributing significantly to various areas of physics and publishing the big amounts of quality papers. If they can understand this point they can change the scenario of Indian origin based Journals (Physics Journal in India) by taking only one reference in his/her research articles.



Suggestions for Physics Journal in India:

I understand that my points of view may be different but the intention of every Indian scholar will be the same. If you want that Indian Journals get a reputation not only in India but also globally you have to do great work now and onwards, that is given below;

  1.  Submit the original research articles in well established India’s Journals.
  2.  Give always preference to your home country research workers for citation in all the Journals.
  3. When submitting your paper(s) to any publisher, make sure that you have considered one relevant reference, of the Indian journals of repute like the Pramana Journal of Physics.




NOTE: The author of this article is associated with the publication of journals and working as an editor of the Physics Journal ( and observed very closely the evaluation of the Journal for indexing and abstracting along with publication ethics and related work.


The author’s purpose is just only to bring this fact/analysis in the researcher’s kind awareness that how one scholar can contribute to the progress of Indian origin Journal (s). The name of Pramana India’s Physics Journal name is coined just to bring this point exactly with proper examples without any intention.


Please quote proper and relevant references for the Physics Journal in India.


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Quality and Impact Factor of Indian Physics Journals and Reasons by Dr Sushil Kumar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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2 thoughts on “Impact Factor of Physics Journal in India”

  1. This video carries out an analysis on how India is fairing on account of effort put in by its researchers.
    Video compares total number of research articles produced by Indian scientific community with those of USA.
    It also shows some useful statistics on India’s position when it comes on to average citations for every single research article which scientific community is producing.

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