Train The Brain of People to Think Original

Last updated on Saturday, April 1st, 2023

Train the brain for positivity in individual’s life, if you have the opportunity, being a leadership in your institution. Always train your mind to see the good in everything and in every individual.

train the brain apniphysics

Train The Brain To See Good

In all social and scientific communities, the senior person always train the brain of people with sources or by the process they have learned the things in their own life. It means they train people on his/her experiences basis. How much intellectual process is it? How much effective it will be for other people to be creative? Does training of mind to do for similar things in a different environment, by the experts can help people to meet the same results?

Example: Like, the trainer achieved results or achievements of his/her life in his/her own environment (different situations of life, geography, social and family culture). If it is so, then what we are doing for the society? Except to the creating an individual’s copy, just for the sake of specific institutional/industrial work?

So, it is one angle of this article. The second one; are we also creating copies of the trainers to support the systems? Does this replica process, where we are destroying the original thinking of people are a supermodel to run the physical systems?


Video credit:Freedom in Thought

Brain Training Impact

This is also true, that above-mentioned process is helpful to communicate with the people only on the same topics and people of specific domains. Learning is an important aspect for an individual to be a part of social and intellectual developments around us. So brain training is must.  

In the present scenario of the training and learning process, we have adopted only one method just to train the people irrespective its impact on mind. 

Instead of understanding and strengthening the original thinking of an individual’s learning, today more focus is on temporary Individual or institutional work output. Here, we have to keep one thing in our mind carefully. That is trainer who assigned to train the people has learned the subject in his environment. With their own thinking process, family  & social atmosphere, the geographical position, the need of learning, the infrastructure of learning, the place, etc..

So, we had trained the people in such way, so that they think and work similarly for a job or thinking process. Also, the learner feels today about one event in a similar way, which was happened 100 yrs ago.  If somehow, one person do it by using own original mind, the same job and thinking process. The person will be treated differently by the people of society, understand it. This is one perspective of brain training, that we see in general.

Produce Original Thinkers

Here, in the above paragraphs, I have raised two different questions;

  • One is about the training to learn the same thing about various fields and
  • The second is about differences between the people, who are able to think/learn in same and different ways about a job, an object or event.

For the present model of society and its related developments, is it necessary to train the mind of people in this way?

When I think about one person, who is not in this race, and he doesn’t focus to his mind to think the way of training, I hope many people are here to think so. He would be different from the streamlined thinking process of society, just because of his own way of thinking process.

Believe me, these people are who creates original thinking process not only in his mind but others too. The people of creative thinking are important for social development. To protect and train them with their own thinking process. So matters only mind strength, how one can give it to an individual.

Brainstorming: Best Way to Train People  

First of all it is must to train your mind to see the good in everything, in surrounding. Look possibilities there training my mind to be positive purposes. One have to search inside yourself by giving suitable mind training. Focus on mind strength.

But the question is, are we really trained for the original thinking process and solutions of different problems in the life? Personally, I think we are not. I am not trained by an external agency or person, “for developing my original thinking process” or any other kind of solutions for the different problems in the life. Exception are to the book knowledge, work process for the earning, and physical movements, etc.

I have seen many times, the people (trainer) try to satisfy a person (learner) with his experiences, who have an original but living in different environment. These trainers compare the problems of work stations or individual with own environment and experiences. They never see the learner’s present status and environment. Personally, I have many points for discussion about the common social and scientific learning process. But, here I have mentioned my perspective on this issue. I know my knowledge and understanding are limited and may be specific here. But being or for a trainer and learner, whatever I feel, I just shared that things with you and at last leaving two questions further for general discussion. These are,

  1. Why we are not ready to train the people on their own interests, capacity and thinking process?

  2. Why do we train all the people by the same sources that used to train others for their own purposes and environment?

Conclusion of Train the Brain of People

A person in our society is normal if he/she thinks/behave like as the rest of the people are doing, if not so, then society ignores the person. We all think with a defined process, our imagination, behavior, interaction all are biased by the copy paste training method. Obviously, the people who works differently from the common thinking process, in any domain, would like to be accepted at later stage by the society. A true fact for all to be accepted, and in agreement for future discussion. 

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