Dr Sushil Kumar

15 Viva Questions Magnetic Susceptibility by Quincke Method Experiment

bsc physics practical experiments 3rd year, Physics, Viva

Last updated on Monday, February 27th, 2023

Viva Questions Quincke’s Method Experiment:

Magnetic Susceptibility by Quincke Method Experiment is determined by using the FECL3 solution.

1Q. What is the atomic dipole moment?

2Q. What is Bohr Magneton?

3Q: What are B and H, and what are the units in the CGS/SI system?

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4Q: What is Intensity of Magnetization?

5Q: What is susceptibility?

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6Q: What is the unit of magnetic susceptibility?

7Q: What are the main differences between Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic and Ferromagnetic materials?

8Q: Why the meniscus level rise up or fall down in the presence or absence of an external uniform magnetic


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9Q: In which unit system (SI or CGS) you measured the magnetic field strength H?

READ ALSO: Hall effect experiment viva

10Q: In which unit you measured the fall in height of the meniscus?

11Q: What is the formula to calculate the mass susceptibility of FeCl3 solution?

12Q: You have calculated the mass susceptibility for different values of current i.e. means different strengths

of the external magnetic field H. You should take an average of the susceptibility or have to plot a graph

(between h vs H^2 and by using the slope have to find the value of mass susceptibility.


13Q: What are the important precautions?

14Q: What are the sources of error?

15Q: What are the learning outcomes of this experiment?




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List of all Other Experiments

Hall Effect experiment Magnetic Susceptibility of the FeCl3
Michelson Morley experiment Charge to Mass Ratio by Thomson
Stewart and Gee’s Melde Experiment
Attenuation losses Semiconductor Diode
Planck’s Constant Magnetic Susceptibility by Quincke Method
Hall Effect Experiment Magnetic Susceptibility
Michelson Interferometer Newtons Ring Experiment


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