Michelson- Morley experiment Solution of Aether Medium

Last updated on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

Michelson Morley experiment

(the Main topic starts after 9:00 minutes, and watch at 33:00 minutes by simulation)
In this video lecture, I have started with some basic concepts which are required to understand the topic, whom I say supporting physical concepts by which one can understand the topics very easily. If you are looking for a depth knowledge of the Michelson-Morley experiment then you have to watch this video up to the end where I have used simulation to explain why we rotate the interferometer.


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The main points of Michelson Morley experiment Included here

all points which I have included here, are:
1. what is an aether medium that’s properties
2. how does the velocity of light change once c-v and then c+v, what is the reason of it?
3. why do we keep a semi-silvered glass plate at 45 degrees?
4. How do we observe a reflected and transparent light beam from a monochromatic source?
5. detail explanation of the experiment and related theoretical concepts
6. How to find path differences?
7. what is the relation between time difference and path difference also with phase difference?
8. How one can find out the time difference?
9. Why we rotate the interferometer and what happens then after?
10. Does path difference remain the same after rotation of the interferometer or vary?
11. How did the fringes shift?
12. How one can conclude if the fringes shift aether medium exists or not?
There are so many questions and solutions to there here in this video lecture.





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