Semiconductor diode Characteristics

Last updated on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

Semiconductor Diode Characteristics

To determine the V-I Characteristics of a p n junction diode

To draw the characteristics means behavior of current in forward and reverse bias of a semiconductor junction diode. This diode either made by silicon or germanium which has atomic number Z=14 or Z=32 respectively. There are some questions related to this science experiment, these can help you to understand it is working better. If you found any questions unanswerable you can ask me, I will help you.

Here some questions can help you understand the working of the laser.


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Viva questions:

1Q. What is semiconductor material?

2Q. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors?

3Q. What are trivalent and pentavalent impurities?

4Q. Tell names at least three most used tri- and pentavalent impurities?

5Q. What is the depletion region of how it is formed?

Depletion region creates at the center near to the diode junction. The reason is diffusion or recombination of the electron-hole charge carriers. In the depletion region, the only static charge remains. This means only ion charge. Because of the ion’s static charges, it is treated as electrodes. These are +ve and -ve electrodes. The potential difference between these two electrodes depends upon the nature of the material. If this is silicon its value will be 1.1 eV while for germanium it is 0.7 eV. This is also called the potential barrier. So when you attach a better in forwarding bias first that overcomes this internal barrier.




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6Q. What is the diffusion of charge?

7Q. What do you mean by the majority and minority charge carriers?

8Q. In n-type material what is the majority charge carrier?

9Q. In n-type material what are minority charge carriers?

10Q. In p-type material what is the majority charge carrier?

11Q.In p-type material what are minority charge carriers?

12Q. What do you understand by forward and reverse bias, show it by circuit diagram.

13Q. What is knee voltage for silicon and germanium diodes?

14Q. How did semiconductor atoms join with the neighbor atom?

15Q. Which bond semiconductor atoms develop among them for stable configuration?


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