Your Interaction in Virtual and Real Environments with Living and Non-living Things & its Impact

Last updated on Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

Every human being thinks and interact in his/her virtual and real environments with living and non-living things. Most of us spent time with either thinking or interacting virtually in our frame of mind with living or non-living things. So, before we go into the analysis of this interested topic, I want to make clear the meaning /definitions of the concern words which I am using in this article. 
Virtual environment means our mental set-up, our mind, our body.
Real environment means the surrounding of a person, the real physical world. 
Living things are all human beings, animals, insects, etc 
and Non-living things are the objects belongs to materialistic world like, house, car, ship, money, etc.
The purpose of this article is just to make aware the individual about his/her thinking process and interaction with the others in direct or indirect way and its physical impact on his/her real life. You know, whenever one get the chance to live alone or in daily routine get free times, he/she always starts to think in his/her frame of reference and no one knows when this thinking changes into the interaction with the living things (other person) in his mind i.e. the virtual world where he/she free to interact in any way with this person. The individual always associated with someone either emotionally or professionally. So he/she interact with others on that way, here point of notice is that you don’t know how much time you will spent in this process (interaction with living things). Second, if relationship is good with living things, then thinking converts into dreams, to create good things and as a result you get a true smile on the face, or happiness in the self environment (virtual environment). Its result is good it can give some creative idea to do new things and further your real interaction with the living things will be improve, your interaction leaves happiness in your surrounding i.e. real environment.
On the other hand, if the relationship is not good in the real world; emotionally or professionally and somehow your mind get strike on it. Then you start to thinks and interact with that person in the real sense, in virtual world. Now, your mind feels emotions either of sorrow, worry, fear, pain, anger, doubt, depression or of hopelessness. This kind of thought process will reduce your energy level and may be other physical activities, like lose of taste, lose of appetite, no interest in family or social meetings and parties. So, keep remember these symptoms of emotions when you interact with living or non-living things in your environment. Immediately stop to thinks and interact about that, if you observe any of these, don’t give any space of such type of thoughts in your mind other wise they will take a bigger space of your mind for their self. You may be trapped for a long time in such thoughts and interaction with the person in your virtual world (mental environment). The incident on which you started to thinks and interact with the person not necessary will be true in real physical world but you can lost your valuable time and physical energy.  
It was the first type of environment in which we just think and interacted in to mental plateform and created many virtual things which sometimes never comes and exist. The second plateform of interaction is the real world where we thinks about and interact with the real living and non living things. Here the interaction gives the real results. One should be aware about the interaction with the living things in real world and should create the happiness in his/her surrounding by the interaction. 
The third type of environment is combination of the two environments discussed above i.e. virtual and real. How one can combine these two and what type of interaction will be it positive or negative? I hope this question will be in your mind. Right, the answer of it is a digital interaction. I interact in the same way in digital interaction as I do in my virtual world but the difference is, here I am virtual and the person is real of real physical world. He listen my sound in real world and observe me virtually in my videos through the digital interaction. During making my videos, I myself thinking and interacting with you in my virtual environment (yes, while I have not seen you). All those thoughts and interaction are in the real world through my digital camera. 
In such type of interaction one thinking and interacting keeping in mind that he/she is sharing all these information on camera with an unknown person in the real physical world. The impact of this interaction on your real world depends on that what type of thoughts you are sharing. This impact lies irrespective to your social economical status whether you keep remember it or not. Here, in digital interaction you don’t know the identity of real person in the real world with whom you have interacted. Sometimes this interaction is silent sometimes it is responsive, your energy level up or down because of this interaction it depends on what type of response you are getting. Keep always good and healthy interaction in any of the modes which you are using not for the others but yourself too. Keep away negative thoughts and words from your mind to make beautiful this physical world…

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