Postdoctoral Fellowship Position at JYFL

Last updated on Monday, November 11th, 2019

The Accelerator Laboratory of the Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä is looking to fill a postdoctoral fellowship position in the Nuclear Spectroscopy Group. The successful candidate will contribute to all activities of the Nuclear Spectroscopy group.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Detials:

[sc_fs_job html=”true” title=”Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nuclear Physics at JYFL-ACCLAB” title_tag=”h2″ valid_through=”2020-01-01″ employment_type=”trial period of six months” company_name=”Accelerator Laboratory of the Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä ” same_as=”” logo_id=”” street_address=”University of Jyväskylä, ” address_locality=”City of Jyväskylä” address_region=”” postal_code=”” address_country=” Finland” currency_code=”EUR” quantitative_value=” 39000.00 to 55000.00″ base_salary=”YEAR” css_class=”” ] The successful researcher will be expected to take a significant role in the experimental program to be carried out at the MARA and RITU recoil separators. The candidate will be expected to actively contribute to the physics program of the group. [/sc_fs_job]

Research area

The main areas of research at the Department of Physics are

  • nuclear and accelerator-based physics,
  • particle physics,
  • and materials physics.

In nuclear and accelerator-based physics the research areas are:

  1. nuclear structure,
  2. the physics of exotic nuclei,
  3. nuclear models,
  4. double beta decay,
  5. ion source physics,
  6. and applied accelerator-based research.

For more about the research area, you can visit the site.


Experience in analysis of complex data sets and familiarity with programming languages such as Java, C++, Python, etc is also considered beneficial. Ph. D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics is expected.

Nature of Job:

There is a trial period of six months at the start of the period of employment. Base Salary EUR 39,000 – 55,000 per year.


Head of the Department,

Professor Markku Kataja,, tel. +358 40 5221 044,


Professor Paul Greenlees,, puh. +358 40 805 4069.


NOTE: Please submit your application for this postdoctoral fellowship at the latest by 30th November 2019 using the online application form.

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