Davisson and Germer Experiment Quiz

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Quiz Davisson and Germer Experiment

This quiz will help you how you have learn about the concepts of the Davisson and Germer Experiment. Check your learning and concepts.

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1. Q. By the Davisson and Germer Experiment electrons shows diffraction characteristics. Is it possible to use & test the neutrons and protons particles also, in this experiment to demonstrate the diffraction? In other words dual nature of neutrons and protons particles.

Option you have;

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

D. 50% chance


2. Q. Let us consider a specific case of electron. If the electron acquires kinetic energy on being accelerated from rest through a potential difference of V volt, then KE = eV, if e is the electron charge, what would be the de- Broglie wavelength,


a.  lambda = h/sqrt{2meV}

b. lambda = h/sqrt{meV}

c. lambda = h/sqrt{2mKEV}

d. lambda = h/sqrt{meV}



3. Q. The year in which Davisson and Germer Experiment was performed to detect the electron diffraction is;


4. Q. The formula associated with the electrons accelerated by a potential difference V is;

Select the correct option-

A.  lambda = 12.27/V

B.  lambda = 12.47/√V

C.  lambda = 12.07/V

D.  lambda = 12.27/√V


5. Q: de-Broglie Hypothesis of Matter Waves says, all material particles in motion have wave nature also. The wave associated with moving particles of matter are called “de-Broglie waves” or “matter waves”.

If the Energy of a photon is ; E= hν

The de-Broglie wavelength of the photon would be,




6. Q. The Angle in between the incident beam and the scattered beam (enter into collector) is known as;


7. Q. In the Davisson Germer experiment, electrons emits from the filament i.e., tungsten. Is it true?


A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

D. 50%


8. 10 Q. From the experiment observations, Davisson and Germer observed a most prominent bump. They explained it with the help of?


9. Q. Diffraction satisfies the condition;


10. Q. Diffraction is;


Question 1 of 10


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